Friday, April 2, 2010

We got our Cam Moving today!

After doing a quick test on the motors, we worked pretty hard today trying to get the belt properly situated around the cam. With everything in place, we tried the unthinkable and turned on the motor, and to our delight, the cam moved perfectly. It was great to see moving parts on our design. Everything's really coming together.

We'll be posting more pictures and maybe a few videos in the next few days.

~The Launderers.

1 comment:

  1. I have personally witnessed this glorious machine. There is so much intense awesomeness contained in that cube that it threatens to collapse in upon itself into a 5th dimensional engineering singularity. It may not fly or get 100mpg, but the level of ingenuity in this design is far above a collegiate level. Someone should give these guys a medal or something.
